Things to know about Thyroid

Things to know about Thyroid

Do I have a thyroid problem? Is gaining weight, and hair loss a symptom of thyroid-related diseases?

No stop. Don’t do guesswork, and the assumption is the most prominent mistake people make. First understand what a thyroid-related disease is, how common it is. Secondly, consult your doctor and get diagnosed at thyroid care specialized diagnostic center. Third, take the medication prescribed by the doctor.

Let us begin with understanding What is Thyroid?

The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland which is present in the front of the neck which secretes several hormones called Thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland present below Adam’s apple becomes visible when the size of glands increases.

The main hormones thyroid produces are called and Triiodothyronine(T3) and Thyroxine(T4). The Thyroid needs iodine to produce the vital hormone Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine as they are partially composed of iodine. Hence it becomes vital to consume iodized salt in our food.


How are the Thyroid hormones produced?

Thyroid glands are parts of the endocrine system, which comprises of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Hypothalamus and pitutitary gland are present in our brain. Moreover, hypothalamus and pituitary glands control the action of thyroid glands.

  1. Firstly, the hypothalamus produces a hormone called thyrotropin(TRH).
  2. Thyrotropin(TRH) stimulates pituitary glands.
  3. Secondly, pituitary glands produce a hormone called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates Thyroid glands.
  4. Third, thyroid glands produce its T3 and T4 hormone.

Hence Thyroid test in a diagnostic center comprises of checking the quantity of TSH, T3, and T4 hormones in the blood to check the proper functioning of Thyroid. Increase or decrease in any of these hormones explains abnormal functioning of Thyroid glands.

  What is the Thyroid glands functions?

  1. Thyroid hormones help in the proper growth and development of all cells of the human body.
  2. They regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. Thyroid hormones help to regulate body temperature.
  4. During early growth years of child growth, thyroid hormones are crucial for brain growth.

What are the types of Thyroid disorder?


Hypothyroidism is a condition which caused due to insufficient or less production of thyroid hormones. It occurs because of a problem within the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, or pituitary glands. Hypothyroidism is prevalent in India. 

We know what Hypothyroidism is, let us see what causes Hypothyroidism. 

  • Hypothyroidism occurs if there is Iodine deficiency, 
  • under certain medication, 
  • pregnancy, 
  • disorder or damage of pituitary and hypothalamus glands, 
  • radiotherapy around the neck.

Here is the list of Symptoms of Hypothyroidism clear your doubts

  • The feeling of extreme tiredness or Fatigue 
  • Depression
  • A sudden increase in weight or difficulty to lose weight.
  • Imbalanced menstrual cycle
  • Decreased metabolism or decreased sweating
  • Excessive dry skin and hair
  • Increased hair loss
  • Constipation
  • Slow heart rate.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold.
  • Hypothyroidism in the baby has no symptoms, but symptoms like Cold hands and feet, Constipation, Extreme sleepiness, Hoarse cry, Little or no growth and Low muscle tone need medical attention. Hyperthyroidism is a condition which occurs due to excessive or increased production of thyroid hormones. The cause of Hyperthyroidism includes excess iodine, inflammation of the thyroid glands, tumors, autoimmune disorder, and a large amount of tetraiodothyronine. How do you identify Hyperthyroidism (Symptoms)
    • Increased appetite and increased metabolism.
    • Difficulty to sleep
    • Restlessness 
    • Nausea and vomiting 
    • Uneven heartbeat
    • Decreased concentration
    • Breast development in men.
    • Symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and fast or irregular heart rate need immediate medical attention.


Goiter is a condition where there is abnormal enlargement of butterfly-shaped thyroid gland below Adam’s apple. Goiter occurs as a result of either Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism and autoimmune disease. Not all the Goiter show symptoms but still following symptoms can be noticed in a few cases.

  • Swelling at the throat can be felt or can be seen if swelling is prominent.
  • Tightness in the throat.
  • cough and hoarseness occurs
  • Difficulty to swallow.
  • With prominent Goiter, if it becomes difficult to breathe.
  • Along with these symptoms, symptoms associated with Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism can be seen.

Thyroid nodules

Thyroid nodules are a condition where lump or swelling occurs on the Thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland. Thyroid nodules can be a solid lump or filled with fluid. Also, nodules can occur in groups or single. Thyroid nodules occur due to benign cysts, benign tumors, and rarely by cancer of the Thyroid. Most thyroid nodules are not dangerous and don’t show any symptoms except compression of nearby structures.

Thyroiditis: is an inflammation of the thyroid glands, a butterfly-shaped gland in our neck which causes leakage of hormones. Initially, leakage of hormones results in Hyperthyroidism and later into Hypothyroidism. Symptoms are that of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism as the condition results in any one of the latter conditions.

There are many types of thyroiditis which occur ,

  • When antibodies attack the Thyroid called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Thyroiditis is a condition which occurs because of a viral infection known as Subacute thyroiditis
  • Acute thyroiditis caused by bacteria or infection. 
  • Postpartum thyroiditis is a condition where antibodies attack the Thyroid after delivery of the child.
  • Moreover, there are other types of thyroiditis, which include silent thyroiditis, radiation, and drug-induced.

Thyroid cancer: is a cancer of the thyroid glands which more common in women. Most thyroid cancer appears in people under age 55years. Different types of thyroid cancer occur depending upon the type of cell which turns cancerous. Thyroid cancer is easily curable if diagnosed in the early stages, and patients recover fast.

How common are thyroid diseases?

  • Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are prevalent in India. Reports show that more than 10 million cases occur in India.
  • Thyroiditis is common to India with more than a million cases have been registered in India.
  • Thyroid cancer are fewer when compared to other thyroid disorders [‘[u/and lesser than one million cases are seen in India per year.
  • Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism occur mostly in women, and occurrence in women is increasing day by day. 
  • One in eight middle-aged women is prone to thyroid disorders.
  • Mothers with thyroid disorder are likely to cause thyroid disorder in their child.

How are Thyroid related disorders diagnosed?

  • Thyroid related disorder is usually diagnosed with lab tests, mainly blood test.
  • Blood is tested for thyroid hormones like Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH), Triiodothyronine(T3) and Thyroxine(T4) to determine conditions like Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism.
  • Along with blood test, scanning(X-ray) is prescribed by doctors to diagnose conditions like Goiter, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer.
  • Thyroid cancer is determined by a blood test, along with radioiodine test.

Where to get diagnosed thyroid disorders?

  1. Diagnostic center with quality infrastructure is a good option.
  2. Our diagnostic lab has an in-house team of expert biochemist, pathologist, doctors, and microbiologist. It is always best to select a diagnostic center which has an in-house team.
  3. Check for accreditation before selecting the diagnostic center.
  4. The diagnostic center which offers significant types of tests are the best diagnostic center 
  5. Opt for Centres which offers in-house doctor and unique package for thyroid disorder analysis.

Treatment for Thyroid disorders

  1. The treatment has to be prescribed by doctors and no self-medication.
  2. Thyroid hormone supplementation cures the condition Hypothyroidism.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is treated by anti-thyroid medication, radioactive iodine treatment.
  4. Medication  and if necessary surgery cures the condition of Goiter and Thyroiditis.
  5. Usually, Surgery, harmone therapy, radioactive iodine, radiation and chemotherapy cures the throid cancer

Ecotown diagnostic is a diagnostic center in Bangalore, with an aim and vision to provide quality diagnostic service to customers. Our diagnostic center is designed to accommodate all the high-end diagnostic facilities for the patients. Our infrastructure is well structured to accommodate the number of patients at a time, and we also collect blood samples at your place.

 The in-house doctor is a must for immediate consultation at any diagnostic center, and we are confident for having best practicing doctors at our diagnostic center in Bangalore. 

When it comes to thyroid disorder, it is good to get diagnosed as early as possible. So come and get diagnosed with your thyroid disorder and immediately get a consultation by our doctor.

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